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Marriage officers and their districts.

11.(1) For the purposes of this Act the following officers shall be marriage
officers, that is to say:

(a)Any officer authorised in that behalf by a Secretary of State by authority
in writing under his hand (in this Act referred to as a marriage warrant); and

(b)Any officer who, under the marriage regulations hereinafter mentioned is
authorised to act as marriage officer without any marriage warrant,

(2) Any marriage warrant of a Secretary of State may authorise to be a
marriage officer

(a)a British ambassador residing in a foreign country to the government of
which he is accredited, and also any officer prescribed as an officer for
solemnising marriages, in the official house of such ambassador;

(b)the holder of the office of British consul in any foreign country or place
specified in the warrant; and

(c)a governor, high commissioner, resident, consular or other officer, or any
person appointed in pursuance of the marriage regulations to act in the place
of a high commissioner or resident, and this Act shall apply with the
prescribed modifications to a marriage by or before a governor, high
commissioner, resident, or officer so authorised by the warrant, and in such
application shall not be limited to places outside Her Majesty's dominions.

(3) If a marriage warrant refers to the office without designating the name of
any particular person holding the office, then, while the warrant is in force,
the person for the time being holding or acting in such office shall be a
marriage officer.

(4) A Secretary of State may, by warrant under his hand, vary or revoke any
marriage warrant previously issued under this Act.

(5) Where a marriage officer has no seal of his office, any reference in
this Act to the official seal shall be construed to refer to any seal
ordinarily used by him, if authenticated by his signature with his official
name and description.

S.12 rep. by 1947 c.33 s.4(1)

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