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Attendance of Officers at Proof Houses and Office of the Two Companies.

96. Each of the Two Companies shall require their Proof Master or Assistant
Proof Masters, or such of them, and such other officers, workmen, or servants,
as are in the opinion of the Two Companies respectively requisite for the
business of the Two Companies respectively, to attend at their office, Proof
House, and Branch Proof Houses respectively daily, or on such days (Sunday,
Christmas Day, Good Friday, and any day appointed for a general fast or
thanksgiving only excepted,) as they from time to time think fit to appoint,
for the purpose of transacting the ordinary business of the Two Companies
respectively; and due notice of the situation of the Proof House and Branch
Proof Houses and office of the Two Companies respectively, and of the hours,
and, as to Branch Proof Houses, of the days and hours, during which attendance
is given there respectively, shall be published by the Two Companies
respectively as they think fit, to the end that the same may be fully and
generally known.

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