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Northern Irish Legislation

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21.(1) The rent recoverable for any rental period of a regulated tenancy of a
dwelling-house is limited to the greater of the following, namely

(a)the rent registered under Part V for the dwelling-house;

(b)if the tenancy exists on the commencement of this Order, the rent payable
under the tenancy immediately before that commencement.

(2) Subject to Article 27(5)(b), where a rent for a dwelling-house is
registered under Part V, if the rent payable for any statutory period of a
regulated tenancy of the dwelling-house would be less than the rent so
registered, it may be increased up to the amount of that rent by a notice of
increase served by the landlord on the tenant and specifying the date from
which the increase is to take effect.

(3) Where a limit is imposed by paragraph (1) on the rent recoverable in
relation to a regulated tenancy, the amount by which the rent payable under
the tenancy exceeds that limit shall, notwithstanding anything in any
agreement, be irrecoverable from the tenant.

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